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Dream Jobs Available

About: We are car obsessed people who are passionate about building the future of automotive racing, looking for like minded people to join our team. Your passion, skillset, (and car obsession) matter more to us than a fancy school or resume fluff. We are a team working remotely in the SF Bay Area with the exception of the occasional car event...but can you really call that work?


Think you'd be a good fit? Send your resume to Include a quick blurb with why you want this job, why we should want you, your car history, and your 5 car dream garage - you know, the important stuff. 


Software Engineer:
Machine Learning

-Preferred experience and interest in iOS MLCore, signal processing and Swift

-Enthusiasm and obsession with cars and software will give you many extra points


Software Engineer:

-Help us keep our IOS app up and running and add cool new features

-Need experience with Swift and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)

-Enthusiasm and obsession with cars and software will give you many extra points


Make all our stuff look super cool. Must be car obsesed.

Beta Testers/Test Drivers

Car enthusiasts that want to try out the new features before everyone else.

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